Every rooster believes that it is him who summons the sun every morning.
許多老員工都認為目前的成績是自己打下來的天下,而忽略了外在大環境的因素。 習慣沿用同樣的成功方程式,既難超越現有的格局,又可能因為環境改變而失敗。

One judges the endurance of a horse by assessing its performance over a long journey. The most skilled sailor is forged by the strongest headwinds.

The tortoise needs to realize that it shall never wake the napping hare. On the same token, do you really think the hare will sprint for 30 straight years?

People who live in earthquake zones are often the most alert.

Changes supersede plans. Customer demands supersede changes.

The commanding size of the Sacred Tree in Alishan was pre-determined over four thousand years ago when its seed was sowed!

Your potential is limited by your aspirations.

The kung-fu masters of Shaolin Temple only attain their omnipotent skills after years of tedious, grueling, and mundane training.

Suffering is the identical twin of growth.
「轉型與變革」,其實是一個「否定自我」和「再造自我」的艱難挑戰。 業績與榮譽,正是從結構性的經營轉型而來,從創造性的變革經營而來,其實也是從改變及再造而來,只是這種過程一定伴隨著痛苦,但是痛苦之後,就會有新的榮譽和成長。


整理自這裡: 解碼郭台銘語錄


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